The previous installment follows Boruto as he tracks mysterious footsteps of code, eventually leading him to a rare sacred tree that can think and move on its own. Fans eagerly await the next episode, “BORUTO -Boruto- Two Blue Vortex” episode 89, where one of the sacred trees transforms into Sasuke. Boruto narrowly escapes death and returns to base in shock. Episode 89 is set to release on April 20, 2024. The collaboration with Inojin, Shikamaru, and Chocho was touching, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. Episode 88 showed the power dynamics between characters, with potential for further development.
In previous extensions, Bolt followed the mysterious trail of code. However, when he finally caught up with the code, he suddenly realized that he was facing a rare sacred tree. Bolt quickly realized that these supernatural trees could actually think and move on their own. That’s why fans are eagerly anticipating the next episode of the series, “BORUTO – BOLT – Two Blue Vortex” Chapter 89. Furthermore, he notices that one of the sacred trees has transformed into the image of Sasuke! Bolt, who narrowly survived the chaotic scene, returns to the hideout in shock.
BORUTO Episode 89: Release Date Comic fans can’t wait for BORUTO: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 89. It will take a few more days to post. “BORUTO- BOLT- Two Blue Vortex” Chapter 89 is scheduled to be released on April 20, 2024. However! “BORUTO 2 Blue Vortex” is scheduled to be released on March 17, 2024 on “” (leaked).
👉 Read now: Boruto Episode 89 RAW – Boruto Episode 89 RAW Boruto Episode 88: Summary and Review I was truly moved by the collaboration with Ino Shika Cho. Does Ino Shika Cho do this in every generation? Izuki did a lot of Rhino Super Ten Techniques, and he still seems to be working on the Mind Shift Technique, but I am happy for his success. Episode 88 “Long-awaited_R-BOLT Official Twitter excerpt If I were to say in terms of strength, Kuniyo might be stronger and emotionally higher, but Ishigamachi complements each other’s weaknesses and shares strengths. Your possibilities expand further. No, I know. Kun loves cute Shinoto, but he knows that he may die trying to protect him. I remember Akun and Ye Jiren standing between me and Kirara and protecting me. I remembered being taken away by illusion for protecting Itsuki. That’s why he came to help Inojin. Guoyang wants to kill Ye Ren, so he protects Ye Ren, but if the mask gets damaged, it’s over… Episode 89 Spoilers and Predictions When will this scene in Episode 89 of ‘Bolt’ happen? Kowaki is blown away by Yura’s blow and crashes into something like a water tank on the rooftop. Delta rushes to Kowaki in concern. Meanwhile, Jura heads to Squad 10, and Himawari… Read more »