「Blue Box」は三浦糀によって制作された漫画シリーズで、結婚とスポーツをテーマにしています。最初は単発作品でしたが、人気が高まり連載へと展開しました。最新の話である第146話では、登場人物たちが様々な試練に直面しています。千夏は怪我を克服しトレーニングに取り組んでおり、ダーシュも熱心に練習に取り組んでいます。IHに出場するチャンスが訪れますが、強い選手たちとの戦いに悔しさと期待が入り混じります。最新話は2024年4月18日に公開予定で、「otakuraw.com」で読むことができます。
“Blue Box” is a manga series created and illustrated by Japanese author Koji Miura. Initially starting as a one-shot work centered on marriage and sports, the series gained popularity and evolved into a full-fledged manga series. Let’s dive into the latest 146th episode of “Blue Box” right away. Stay updated on the latest news about Blue Box by bookmarking this site, where you can access all the necessary information.
The 146th episode of “Blue Box” was originally released as a one-shot manga and received great feedback from readers, leading to its serialization and the start of a new chapter (episode 146). The 146th chapter of Blue Box is scheduled to be released on April 22, 2024. A leak suggests it will be available on April 18, 2024, on “otakuraw.com.”
In this episode, we see Chitose IH still eagerly watching Daiji, who is inspired by her dedication. Chitose, unable to participate in the IH, focuses all her efforts on the upcoming Winter Championships, striving to overcome her current injury to be able to train. Meanwhile, Daiji continues to train diligently and earnestly, determined to do his best in the IH despite the strong competition, especially from players like Shuji. However, there is a risk of pushing themselves too hard and potentially collapsing. Stay tuned for the release of Blue Box Episode 146 for more developments and predictions.