The content is about introducing the location of the nursery school attended by the character Rizumu, played by Me Mai Morohashi, in the TV drama series “Shibuya-kun.” The nursery school is located in Nagareyama City, Chiba Prefecture, and is also a filming location for the drama. The article also discusses the popularity of the character and provides information for fans who may want to visit the location.
Here is the location of the nursery school attended by Rizumu, played by Meii Morohashi in the continuous TV drama “Shibuya-kun”. Welcome back, Shibuya-kun [Kyomoto Taiga location]. Where is the nursery school? [Located in Nagareyama City, Chiba Prefecture]. Where is Rizumu’s nursery school? TV series “Weekend Shibuya-kun” Rhythm (Forest Dance) […].