On March 3rd, Iron Arm will be featured on the TV show “The!” showcasing the popular “Creating Giant Snowballs” event at a ski resort in Gunma Prefecture, Tsukibami Village, in the program “DASH!!”. The segment will introduce the ski resort with the massive snowballs in Gunma, provide information on the hotel accommodations, and share details about the event schedule. This episode will focus on the giant snowball snowboard challenge on Iron Arm Dash.
On March 3rd (Sunday), “The!” will be broadcasted on Iron Arm! In “DASH!!”, they will introduce the ski resort in Tamagai Village, Gunma Prefecture, where the famous “Ooyukidama-making” project will take place. What is the ski resort with the giant snowball in Gunma Prefecture? Where is the hotel located? When is the event taking place at the venue? Iron Arm Dash Giant Snowball Snowboard […]